Quad Axle Trailer (4x4)

robionsions clear cut with shadow v2

Quad axle (4x4) widening low loader

Quad Axle Widening Low Loader clear cut

Quad Axle Widening Low Loader

Quad Axle Widening Low Loader 2 rear steer axles clear cut

Quad Axle Widening Low Loader 2 rear steer axles

Quad Axle Widening Low Loader 1 rear steer axle clear cut

Quad Axle Widening Low Loader - Rear Steer

Quad Deck Widening Low Loader clear cut0

Quad Deck Widening Low Loader clear cut

Quad Axle Widening Low Loader

Quad Axle Widening Low Loader

Quad Fixed Width Low Loader clear cut

Quad Fixed Width Low Loader clear cut

Quad Mid Tipping Deck Low Loader

Quad Mid Tipping Deck Low Loader

Payloads up to 50 tonne with a dolly. Regularly carrying 35 tonne without a dolly.

TRT's double acting hydraulic suspension provides the most stable low loader in the market. Our spaced axle option offers up to 6 tonne additional payload. Include steering axles for increased manoeuvrability and reduce whole of life cost.

All axles can lift independently for easy servicing - no jacks required. Quads have many standard quality features, improving economy and return, including heavy duty axles and ramps.

Models include:

  • Axle Widener
  • Deck Widening
  • Mid Tip Deck
  • Fixed Width

TRT will manufacture to your required deck length to suit varied plant and equipment. View the drawings and specifications for each model below. If you're not sure which trailer is best for your operation, use our Trailer Selector tool or get in touch with one of our team.

Opening to 3.5m wide with 12.2m deck length 2

Quad Axle Widening

  • Widens: 2.5m closed to 3.5m open.
  • Stability: Wheels widen with decks to suit plant & equipment width.
  • Suspension: Double acting hydraulic suspension - all axles lift.
  • Widening Stool: Lifts wheels off road when widening - protects Bitumen.

Where the trailer needs to widen to the width of the plant and equipment to provide maximum stability, this trailer meets the brief. The double acting hydraulic suspension provides added stability and allows the operator to lift axles independently. This low loader can widen in various increments to suit the load.

Note: For NZ specifications and drawings, please get in touch.

Quad Fixed Width Low Loader

Quad Fixed Width with Rear Steer

  • Width: Options from 2.5m to 3.1m
  • Steering: Less tyre wear and increased cornering
  • Chassis: Full depth with axles set through gives the lowest height and strongest beavertail for loading.

A simple to operate trailer where widening isn’t required.  This trailer combination can be supplied with a swept path certificate for unrestricted travel. Spaced axle groups provide increased payloads, and the steer axle increases manoeuvrability.

Optional widths and deck lengths.

4x4 Mid Tipping - NZ

Quad Mid Tipping Low Loader

  • Mid Tip Deck: Hydraulically operated, access to top deck.
  • Steering: Less tyre wear and increased cornering

This is the ideal trailer for roading operators, where multiple machines, plant, and equipment are being transported to one site. The full width mid tipping deck provides safe access to the top deck and can carry 12 tonne in the raised position. Lowered on its air suspension, with double fold ramps provides a very shallow loading angle.


4X4 Deck Widening - AU

Quad Deck Widener with 2 Rear Steer

  • Widens: 2.5m closed to 3.5m open.
  • Stability: Wheels stay at 2.5m whilst decks widen
  • Suspension: Either hydraulic or air.
  • Axle Lift: All axles are able to lift independently.
  • Steering: Less tyre wear, chassis stress & fuel burn.

With wheels at 2.5m whilst the decks can widen to 3.5m this trailer provides the solution where access is difficult due to narrow roads and roundabouts, whether in Metro areas or on forestry roads. With steering axles, manoeuvrability is increased, when fitted with hydraulic suspension you maximise stability and enable the operator to lift axles.

1 4x4 Axle Widen 2 Rear Steer

Quad Axle Widening with 2 Rear Steer

  • Widens: 2.5m closed to 3.5m open.
  • Stability: Wheels widen with decks to suit plant & equipment width.
  • Suspension: Double acting hydraulic suspension increase stability.
  • Steering: Less tyre wear, chassis stress & fuel burn.

Where the trailer needs to widen to the machine, plant or equipment width and provide maximum stability this trailer meets the brief. For increased manoeuvrability, 2 steering axles can be fitted at the rear of the trailer. Double acting hydraulic suspension provides added stability and allows the operator to lift axles independently. With widening stool fitted, the ground is protected from damage with all wheels off the ground.

1 TRT Quad 4x4 low loader trailer NZ rear view 1

Quad Axle Widening with Rear Steer

  • Widens: 2.5m closed to 3.5m open.
  • Widening: Wheels widen with decks to suit machine width
  • Suspension: Double acting hydraulic suspension increase stability.
  • Axle lift: all axles are able to lift independently.

Where the trailer needs to widen to the plant and equipment widths, with maximum stability this axle widening low loader meets the brief. For increased manoeuvrability, steering axle can be fitted at the rear of the trailer. Double acting hydraulic suspension provides added stability and allows the operator to lift axles independently. With widening stool the ground is protected from damage with all wheels off the ground.

Drawing 4x4 Axle Widening - AU

Drawing 4x4 Axle Widening 1 Rear Steer

Drawing 4x4 Deck Widening 2 Rear Steer

Drawing 4x4 Fixed Width

Spec 4x4 Axle Widen 2 Rear Steer

Spec 4x4 Axle Widening Rear Steer

Spec 4x4 Axle Widen 1 Rear Steer

Spec 4x4 Axle Widening - AU

Spec 4x4 Quad Deck Widening 2 Rear Steer

Spec 4x4 Axle Mid Tipping 1 Rear Steer NZ

Spec 4x4 Axle Mid Tipping 2 Rear Steer AU

Spec 4x4 Fixed Width 1 Rear Steer NZ

Drawing 4x4 Mid Tipping

For advice contact Jeremy on +64 27 354 0329 or email jeremyc@trt.co.nz